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	<title>rules to live by &#8211; Gayle Tabor</title>
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	<description>The Life and Times of Gayle (from Inspirational to Social Media and beyond)</description>
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		<title>Rules to Live by&#8230;</title>
		<pubDate>Mon, 30 Aug 2010 11:00:57 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[How to be positive every day]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[rules to live by]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://stayontargetcoach.com/?p=391</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Today I want to share with you some of my rules to live by.]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Today I want to share with you some of my rules to live by.  Please note these are my rules. I challenge you to make your own list.</p>
<li>Know your values in life and start living by      them;</li>
<li>Be curious about life and the things that happen      around you;</li>
<li>Don’t give your power away by letting others      dictate how you feel;</li>
<li>Say ‘I Love You’ and mean it when you say it;</li>
<li>You do not know what someone else thinks. So,      ask them (and really listen to the answer);</li>
<li>Always admit to your mistakes and try to make it      right;</li>
<li>Enjoy the great outdoors everyday;</li>
<li>Take responsibility for your life (including      mistakes);</li>
<li>Believe in your ability to change your      circumstances;</li>
<li>Trust your instinct;</li>
<li>You can’t change the past, stop letting it ruin      your future;.</li>
<li>Do not gossip.</li>
<li>Believe in your own higher power, nobody else’s.</li>
<li>Listen to others, don’t just sit thinking about      what you want to say when they stop talking;</li>
<li>Stay in touch with the people who matter to you;</li>
<li>Don’t compare yourself to others, this is your      path not theirs;</li>
<li>Prepare in advance for your own confidence;</li>
<li>Hug as much as you can;</li>
<li>Cut down on your TV time;</li>
<li>Love your partner with everything you have, but do      not depend on them for anything;</li>
<li>Learn to argue fair;</li>
<li>Give everyone one chance. They may surprise you;</li>
<li>Exercise you mind and body everyday;</li>
<li>Never forget to say Thank You (and mean it);</li>
<li>Embrace learning; Learn something new every day      and teach something every day;</li>
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