Do you have Brave thoughts?

2011/09/12 Gayle 1

In July of 2011 I wrote a post about tuning in and listening to the words you use when you talk to yourself.  The title was You are Exactly what you Think and I am in need of a refresher. Want to know who you are? Tune in to the The rest of the story

Goal Setting Is A Complete Waste Of Time

2011/09/07 Gayle 0

“Goals” are like “New Year’s resolutions”…frequently made but rarely accomplished. Are you struggling to achieve your goals? Then I have the key for you! STOP thinking of your goal as a goal! I know, you’re thinking ‘WHAT THE HECK?’ This is a blog all about goals and positive thinking and The rest of the story

5 Ways to Overcome Your Happiness DNA

2011/08/31 Gayle 1

Happiness is hereditary, at least in part. Psychologists at the University of Edinburgh and the Queensland Institute for Medical Research in Australia have found that happiness is partly determined by personality traits that are largely hereditary. Words like these are enough to make you give up and decide that happiness is The rest of the story

Celebrate your successes!

2011/08/30 Gayle 0

For most of us we have a voice that plays in our heads. It may be your own voice; the voice of a teacher or past coach or maybe the voice is your mother or father.  But it is the voice of a negative motivator. Someone who believed in motivating by The rest of the story

Stop the Mental Hurricane

2011/08/29 Gayle 0

If you live on the east coast you probably experienced Irene over the weekend. Perhaps you, like me are a veteran of many hurricanes or perhaps this was your first adventure. Either way, I hope you survived without incident. What Irene taught me is that I am too addicted to The rest of the story

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