Nat Geo's Trailer for Killing Lincoln

Killing Lincoln: A Book Review

One of the things I want to change in 2013 is my blog. Not change as in completely do something different but change as in expand my horizons. Yesterday, I added in a new category – Tips and tricks, which I hope you’ll see on many Thursdays. Today I am introducing another new category – Fun Friday. My vision for Fun Friday is to have a relaxed space where I can talk about fun things I’m doing or books I’m reading (or just finished in this case), maybe I’ll tell you about my favorite products or a fun project. The possibilities are endless!  So drag up a chair and lets get started.

Have you ever noticed that when someone feels the need to continually tell you how great of a __________ they are; they usually are not? For example, great dancers don’t announce their dancing talent….they just dance and you’ll see the greatness. This a touchstone I use for many things in my life. Which is undoubtedly why I owned Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever (it was a gift) for over a year with out so much as cracking the cover (okay, it was on my nook so there really is no cover, but you know what I mean). You see, Bill O’Reilly fails my touchstone test. I don’t believe he really has no spin to his commentary and well he’s just rude to callers or detractors.  For that reason, I completely ignored his telling of this tale.

Nat Geo's Trailer for Killing Lincoln

Imagine my surprise when I actually opened the book, Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever, (affiliate link) and was swept away by a story I have read and researched many times.

I can not give enough stars to this book (IF I had a star system).

The story telling was compelling; the detail fascinating and the sense that you are actually living these events intense. I read details I’ve never heard before even though from my seat as I write this I can see three books on the topic with barely a glance at my bookshelf.

I love to read but rarely gush over a book – this one has me gushing!

I started the book well into the first week of January following a discussion on New Years Eve Eve (we had just seen Lincoln and were still excited from this strong depiction of history <– that’s a different post) – I finished it in less than a week. The description of the book states that the book is history that reads like a thriller and I believe it delivers. I rose early and stayed up late to read; which is an accomplishment for a story where you already know the ending!

If you enjoy history; If you enjoy a good thriller then Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever may be just be the book for you!

Happy Reading!

On a separate note: National Geographic just released the trailer for their 2-hour special based on the book. I’ll be interested to see the show hosted by Tom Hanks. Check your local listings!



About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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