My Old Rock (an object lesson)

Matthew 7:1-5 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
“Do not judge so that you will not be judged. 2 For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and behold, the log is in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”


Today is old rock day and from the minute I saw this ‘holiday’ I knew I wanted to write about it. However, Monday is my day to write my armchair theology post and I was in a conundrum. Old Rock –  It seems like an odd holiday and when I first read it assumed it was about old rock music. I fully expected to learn this was a day to hearken back and enjoy the roots of rock and roll. To spend the day with some classic rock – like Black Sabbath, Grand Funk Railroad or Lynyrd Skynyrd or maybe even a little Doobie Brothers!

I also knew that today I would be compelled to write about MY old rock!

It turns out today really is about old rocks, and even if it weren’t, I was going to  write about my old rock.  So, as fate would have it, my old rock has become an object lesson.

My Pocket Stuff

Above is a photograph of what is oft referred to in my life as my ‘pocket stuff’. These are the things that are rarely, if ever, not on my person. Back when I wore business suits and pantyhose everyday and now when my standard fare is shorts and t-shirts, through good times and bad my pocket stuff has been constantly with me. Indulge me as I tell you about them:

I was probably a teen when I began carrying chapstick™ (now Glynne’s Soaps Lip Balm); it is probably the only practical thing I carry although at varying times the others have come in handy. In 1997 when my dad died, I began carrying his knife. Not long before her death my grandma gave me a 1943 steel penny…soon after her death I acquired another via her estate; it is a part of the repertoire. At some point in time I was given a Kennedy half dollar as change and, well, it too joined the pocket stuff. In February 1998, in a life altering trip to California I picked up a rock (AKA my old rock) along the rocky coast somewhere near Sana Cruz (I probably could maybe give a better location, but it really doesn’t matter) Then a couple of years ago in an attempt at renewal, in the spirit of change, I added the final piece of ‘pocket stuff’ a smaller and less important rock.

Each thing, sans the practical lip balm and the hold dollar represent special things and meanings to me!

Each thing is so important that if one goes missing the entire world stops until it is recovered and securely back in my pocket (or in it’s nightly resting place).

I dare say most have no idea what is in my pocket nor why. I also am very sure I have no idea what others may or may not have in their pocket! AND I am certain I am clueless why they may or may not carry something.

I once lost my old rock while laying on a table at a Doctor’s Office. It had been pickup by a nurse and thrown in the trash! as if it were a common and unimportant object! YES! I sorted through the trash until my rock was recovered. You see the nurse assumed that the rock was not something of value. She assumed it was there by mistake and saw no reason to even inquire if it was something I was missing – because to her it was just an old rock.

I like many people am also guilty of assuming.

I make assumptions based on looks!

I assume I know why someone  acts in a certain way; or says a particular thing.

I assume I know why someone dresses as they do.

I assume….and I judge!  I have even been know to disregard what they deem most important!

What if Jesus had said judge not until you know what and why something is in another’s pocket? I don’t necessarily mean literally what’s in their pocket, like my old rock.

What if Jesus has said judge not until you know the struggles that caused another to carry whatever burden they carry? What if you could see into another’s heart and see…really see.

See the pain.

See the joys.

Really, Really See Them?

What if Jesus had said don’t disregard it until you know why it is important?

What are you judging? Who are you judging?

What important item of someone else’s are you totally disregarding?

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

1 Comment Posted

  1. I, like you, carry certain things of value to me, in my pocket. And yes, I have been asked at times, ” why do you have that? It’s just a ______________. Thanks for reminding me that when I see someone else with a ___________ in their pocket, It’s not just a ____________ to them and I am not the judge.

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