Inspire Yourself by Inspiring Others

2012/10/22 Gayle 3

This past weekend was an interesting weekend. Jenn participated in the PPD Beach 2 Battleship Triathlon on Saturday. I am sure she will write about that experience on her blog and I won’t steal her thunder. However, I was inspired just as the person ‘hanging around’ waiting for the The rest of the story

What will you do today?

2012/10/16 Gayle 0

Do you ever feel like a fraud? I do! Sometimes I write my blog of happiness and encouragement when I feel anything but happy or encouraged. Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ~~Dalai Lama   In my life I often complain saying: “We never The rest of the story

Hope – who doesn’t need HOPE?

2012/09/27 Gayle 0

It seems these days everywhere you turn there is a Mob of some ilk. Obviously the world has decided to cash in on the Herd mentality!  From Flash Mobs to Cash Mobs businesses and individuals are trying to influence what we buy and how we act. Yesterday, I saw a business The rest of the story

Play to Your Strengths

2012/09/24 Gayle 1

Do you ever think about your character? You know – those innate traits, characteristics and features that form your individual nature. I sometimes think of character as the person you are when no one is looking. Just to be clear, I do not mean this in a moralistic sense, although I The rest of the story

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