Plenty of Socks at Lo Tide

2012/03/18 Gayle 0

We have arrived at the time of year when festival and events permeate my life. Last week Jenn announced that we have no free Saturdays until October.  Part of me is excited to be back to the grind and part of me is already longing for a Saturday free from The rest of the story

Let’s encourage each other!

2012/03/14 Gayle 0

I am pretty sure any glimmer of light I may see in the tunnel is just an on coming train!

What I want to do is curl into a fetal position and eat Oreos and wait for the last straw.


2012/03/10 Gayle 0

We measure the progression of life by milestones. We count birthdays, anniversaries, and celebrate big on round numbers. We notice the odometer on our vehicles and ‘mark’ major round numbers (today my truck will pass 123,000). If you tweet, you probably notice your number of tweets or followers. And if The rest of the story

1 34 35 36 37 38 96