Telephones – From Tool to Intrusion

2011/07/27 Gayle 2

Sometimes I feel like my phone has become more than a tool. It has become an obsession. I play with it constantly! Checking email, Facebook and twitter, playing games (including online with friends) or just surfing the web! Occasional my significant other will say ‘can I see your face and not The rest of the story

Study offers clues to emotional eating

2011/07/26 Gayle 0

I wouldn’t say that I am an emotional eater…unless you consider how grumpy I get when there is nothing sweet in the house! This study may indeed offer some insights to why we take such solace in junk foods. ( — Anyone who’s sought solace in pizza or a pint of ice The rest of the story

Are Your Conflicted? (6-steps to conflict resolution)

2011/07/26 Gayle 0

Conflicts can occur in all levels of human interaction; between individuals, in families, workgroups, and in society as a whole. Sometimes even a small conflict can cause great heartache and interfere with your ability to move forward with your goals. There are many reasons why conflicts occur, different goals, values The rest of the story

Where’s the FAT?

2011/07/25 Gayle 0

I came across this interesting article today. Thought i’d share it here. When you’re losing weight, where does the fat go? By Madison Park, CNN (CNN) — Multiple chins, bulging tummies and flabby arms: It’s easy to see where fat accumulates on the body. When a person starts losing weight, where The rest of the story

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