
Stop Wallering in Your Self-Doubt

Please indulge me as I digress in to my own world today. I began this blog as a way to help keep me positive. The words I am writing are most often pointed squarely at yours-truly. I’ll admit it, I struggle (like a lot of people) to stay positive.

happily wallowing

I also, occasionally fall off the positive wagon and waller in the wonderful thing called self-doubt. Today was one of those days. I looked at the dashboard of this blog and thought ‘WOW, what a failure! You should have 51 posts today and you only have 45.’ That’s right, I am 6 posts short of my goal of posting daily.

Sure, there are reasons. Some of them damn good reasons! However, the fact remains that I feel like a failure. What I wanted to do today was admit defeat and not post. Instead, I am writing to you. It will not be posted at the usual 7am. (As I write this it is currently 12:30pm). What I am doing is putting a stop to my pity party, I am not wringing my hands at what I did not do. I cannot change the past! I can create a different now and a different future.

What about you? Are you only seeing what is missing? Or are you celebrating that which is your success?

Let go of your past mis-steps and mistakes. Decide today to do better, to try harder and to celebrate the success and not lament the past.

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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