Getting off the Couch

2012/02/04 Gayle 0

As promised, here is my Saturday update on my quest for average. But first let me inspire you with a commercial that you will see in tomorrows quest for the NFL Title: If that doesn’t inspire you to get off the couch and chase cars, nothing will 🙂 Now back The rest of the story

You are Never a Failure until You Stop Trying

2011/08/09 Gayle 1

It is hard for me to accept when something doesn’t work. I have an idea and I try to go from idea to reality and it doesn’t work! Soon I am feeling like a failure. It is easy to take a lack of success and label it as failure; when the reality isn’t failure but lack The rest of the story

Who are You?

2011/08/05 Gayle 1

Who are you? It is such a difficult question to answer. Am I am parent or a child? Am I a student or a teacher? Am I a friend or a foe? Who am I? Yesterday I attended a funeral service. As I sat in the service I thought about who The rest of the story

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