You Might Be a Winner – If You Work at It
Attaining your goals is not like winning a contest. Crossing your fingers and hoping you are the right caller will not make your desires come to life. All it will get you is more of the same.
Attaining your goals is not like winning a contest. Crossing your fingers and hoping you are the right caller will not make your desires come to life. All it will get you is more of the same.
Every life has it’s challenges, obstacles to overcome and miles to travel. Living a fulfilled life is like training for a marathon. It is not something that just happens; a lot of effort, sweat and even tears will come before the end. But in the end, after all the hard work, comes a great sense of accomplishment, of a job well done.
As I sit down to write this, I feel the need to confess; I suffer from ‘I’ll do it later syndrome’. I have the best of intentions. Yet, invariably I have once again waited until the last minute.
I was watching the tour this morning and realized just how much the tour is like life.
Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left?