Where’s the FAT?

2011/07/25 Gayle 0

I came across this interesting article today. Thought i’d share it here. When you’re losing weight, where does the fat go? By Madison Park, CNN (CNN) — Multiple chins, bulging tummies and flabby arms: It’s easy to see where fat accumulates on the body. When a person starts losing weight, where The rest of the story

Americans Run on Junk Foods

2011/06/23 Gayle 0

I read a story today about weight gain in rats and how rats fed a ‘typical American diet’ gained more wait than rats fed good old fashion lard. It has given me great pause! Here’s the story…. Rats fed a snack-based diet of highly palatable, energy-dense foods gained more weight, The rest of the story

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The Goal is the Same (the reason has changed)

2011/01/19 Gayle 0

I started this blog last year on a whim. I read an article in and thought ‘cool, I’ll just lose 100 lbs and write a blog about it! As you might imagine, writing a blog was not enough of a reason to make me stick to any dietary restrictions or regularly visit a gym (BIG SURPRISE)!

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My Quest for Average

2010/07/05 Gayle 0

I wrote a blog post for my blog (The outRAGEous Experiment) on July 5, 2010. Here’s the post and my challenge to myself: