Americans Run on Junk Foods

2011/06/23 Gayle 0

I read a story today about weight gain in rats and how rats fed a ‘typical American diet’ gained more wait than rats fed good old fashion lard. It has given me great pause! Here’s the story…. Rats fed a snack-based diet of highly palatable, energy-dense foods gained more weight, The rest of the story

Weight loss improves memory

2011/04/15 Gayle 0

There are all kinds of inspirations in the world. There’s the no one believes I can therefore I will. There are those who are just motivated, internally. And there are those of us who struggle to stay on the path. I am the latter! I struggle to keep my health The rest of the story

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Want to be happy? Get Beautiful

2011/03/30 Gayle 0

A new series of studies shows that attractive people earn more money and marry better-looking spouses, and that the economic benefits of being good looking make them happier than their homely counterparts. Logically, you’d think that efforts to improve one’s appearance would somehow lead to more happiness. ~TIME MAGAZINE As The rest of the story

Sugar-free no bake cookies

2011/03/22 Gayle 0

Last week I visited my family. Rather than being encouraging in my quest to be sugar-free, they were discouraging. I heard multiple times how it was ‘just genetics’ and I should ‘accept that I would become a diabetic’. No doubt this attitude was fueled by the fact that they are The rest of the story

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Cold Feet

2011/03/05 Gayle 0

I am frequently asked by people how I know my blood sugar was a problem. The answer is that my feet bothered me. They always felt cold. Since Jenn and I both have diabetics in our family, we are aware that circulation problems can occur in diabecice and I began to keep The rest of the story

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