The Golden Compass

Traditionally this week, the week between Christmas and New Year, is the time business is expected to be slow. Many businesses will shut down completely for this week. For some of us it a week of reflection on the year past and a week of making plans for the year to come. I’ve never been one to make resolutions; however, I am a huge fan of goal setting. I like to look at the big picture of where I want to be and think about the avenues for making those goals reality.

While I can not say this year is really different, I did read an article a couple of days ago by Chris Brogan which has made me think in a different direction. Actually, since reading the article I have thought of little else. The crux of the article is that you choose three words which will serve as ‘compass points’ to guide you through the coming year. (I make no claim to do the concept justice – really, just go read it).

I loved the concept and have decided to adopt it for 2010. The hard part has been finding my three words (three is such small number). My first word was an easy choice. It is quite literally a life or death choice for me. The prevailing word for me in 2010 is HEALTH. The last year has seen my size grow, my chest tighten (and not in a good way), my blood pressure rise, and my blood sugar spin out of control.

My second word may not seem as important, but it is what I have forgotten to include in my life. It is really what make is all worthwhile, FUN. I am looking forward to finding my golf game and giving my pool a workout. After all, all work and no play has made Gayle a dull girl.

Lastly, but by no means least, I have chosen FAITH as my third word. The obvious first connotation of this word is of a spiritual nature, and I am not down playing this aspect. However, I also chose the word because I have struggled with my faith in mankind. I have developed the heart of a cynic and I am having faith that by choosing faith as a compass point for 2010 I can again feel hopeful for the future.

I am calling these three little words my Golden Compass for 2010. They may not equal the traditional Golden Parachute but I am anxious for the ways they will not only enrich my life but enrich the relationships of my life.

What three words are you choosing as your compass this year?

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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