Focus on Focus

2010/09/08 Gayle 0

I have trouble with focus. Perhaps you do as well. Here are my steps for helping me to remain focused on my task.

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Simple does not mean Easy

2010/09/07 Gayle 0

When I first began Stay on Target Coach’s blog someone retweeted my post with these words attached ‘simple but good advice’. Immediately, I began to question my methods. Was I making things too simple?

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What Shape is Your Water (video)

2010/09/06 Gayle 0

This video shows the experiments of Dr. Masaeu Emoto with water. Dr Emoto photographed frozen water molecules after he said words over them. Kind word molecules produced beautiful crystals. Unkind and harsh words formed ugly crystals.

Does Faster Make it Better?

2010/09/05 Gayle 0

No doubt, you know the story of the tortoise and the hare. Just in case you missed childhood, here the recap – the forest animals have a race – hare gets so far ahead he takes a nap – tortoise keeps on plugging and but the time the hare awakens, the race has been lost. Great parable about how slow and steady can overcome fast and cocky. However, there is another lesson in this story. It has to do with finishing what you start.

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How to Know When You Have Arrived

2010/09/04 Gayle 0

Without a well-defined goal, how will you know you have reached it? This may seem like a obvious statement. However, more often than you would think people make no real plans for success.

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