Armchair Theology

This post is a deviation from my usual musings. However, if you stick with me, I think it will become clear.

The political season is behind us (sort of…well, as much as it is ever behind us). This particular election cycle caused me to enter into deep contemplation. Not about politics (which might have been your first guess) but about spirituality, religion, and faith. I saw and heard some of the meanest and nastiest comments from people who wear their ‘Christianity’ on their sleeve (which is to say they’re always proclaiming their Christianity). I have witnesses the most un-Christlike behavior from those who would claim that they bear witness to God’s love.

If you know me…and quite possibly even if you don’t….you know that I am enamored with social media! Hey, I like it so much I started a company…does anyone remember the old Remington Electric Shaver commercial with Victor Kiam? (Sorry I digressed into a free-association moment). But, one thing social media spotlighted for me during this election season is just how free people feel to completely discount others thoughts and feelings. The other thing this election season spotlighted for me was the correlation between the spews of ‘sleeve wearing Christians’ and my frustration with Christianity as a whole.

I have been wrestling my whole life with the correlation between being a Christian (i.e. follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ) vs being a member of organized Christian religion (i.e Christian). Confused yet?

In my life I am very interested in being an active participant in the former (being Christ-like) but very put off by the latter (a gathering of ‘sleeve wearing Christians’ which is to say they like the title but have little or no interest in actually following the teachings…unless they are telling you how you should). By this point you are probably thinking….get to the point Gayle!

Well, here’s the point. I have decided to add a category to this blog. I feel a little unsure about it (which is probably the reason for this post and the long rambling explanation) but feel the need to more fully explore spiritual matters, not as they relate to the Church or Clergy but as they relate to the inner life. No doubt this exploration for me will center on the teachings of Jesus Christ (I self-identify as a follower of Christ) but I am also interested in the teachings of other spiritual leaders and other spiritual ideas and ideals. As I have stated many many times on this blog, I most often write about things with which I struggle and this has been a life-long struggle.

Armchair Theologian without Dogma

I make no claim to being a great biblical scholar. I am but a lowly armchair theologian (hence the category name) – which does not mean I spend my Mondays critiquing the Sunday service but rather that don’t necessarily believe what I am told but prefer to read a study for myself. I will tell you that I have a firm belief that Jesus meant what he said when he said The greatest commandment is that you love one another.

My hope is to write on this topic once a week or so…but we’ll see how it goes.

I’d love to hear your feedback both on today’s post and on future posts.


About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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