Israel / Palestine Trip – Day Four

2020/01/23 Gayle 0

Stardate: January 22nd, 2020  The day started early. I didn’t really want to eat breakfast, which is kind of a downside when you know you’re going to have a busy day. I was quite unprepared for what it would feel like to cross out of Jerusalem and into the countryside. The rest of the story

Israel / Palestine Trip – Day Three

2020/01/22 Gayle 0

Stardate: January 21st, 2020 Today was a little bit frustrating. It Is difficult to be in Israel and in Jerusalem and to spend our time in the hotel listening to speakers. Logistically I understand the need to have done things this way, however, there’s still a certain amount of frustration The rest of the story

Israel / Palestine Trip – Day Two

2020/01/21 Gayle 0

Stardate: January 20, 2020 It rained. I mention it because it somehow relates to the purification for visiting holy sites Rami talked about. Perhaps yesterday was a means of purification to be ready and willing to hear, see and experience this place where we are. As I was preparing for The rest of the story

Israel / Palestine Trip – Day One

2020/01/20 Gayle 0

I traveled to Israel and Palestine in January 2020. This is my journal as I recorded it during the trip. At times it may ramble. At times it may be less than coherent (I was tired – physically, mentally, and spiritually) but, I welcome you to journey with me on The rest of the story

Silent Night

2018/12/12 Gayle 0

Silent Night was first performed on Christmas Eve 1818 at St Nicholas parish church in Oberndorf, a village in Austria. The organ had broken and a young priest, Father Joseph Mohr, in a panic to keep the Christmas Eve service going took a poem he had written “Stille Nacht” brought The rest of the story

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