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How to become a twitter god

2009/11/22 Gayle 0

I now have three twitter accounts, one personal account and two business accounts. If I account for overlap of followers, my estimate is that I am reaching somewhere in the neighborhood of 5600 people. I have sent approximately 5343 tweet and read thousands more. I may not be a twitter expert, but I am damn close. Here are my observations in a nutshell. I call them, ‘How to become a twitter god’.

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Love me? Love my dog!

2009/11/18 Gayle 0

I’ve been a dog lover my entire life. I cannot recall a time before I loved dogs! Growing up my parents believed dogs were outside creatures. As an adult, I do not! My dog is my child, my companion, my confidant and my friend.

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THANK YOU to our veterans

2009/11/11 Gayle 0

Today is Veterans Day (AKA Armistice Day). I just want to take a minute to add my voice and say a huge THANK YOU to our veterans!

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Are you half full or half empty?

2009/07/20 Gayle 0

Pie in the sky would be nice (although better if it were chocolate cake). There are people who are kind and good, I just never seem to meet them. It will all work out; probably about the time, you die. Everyone does love me, at least until they get what they want. Birds do sing, but they also shit on your porch (or head, so do not look up). The weather is wonderful, but wait 30 minutes and it will change.

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