Category: hodgepodge
Welcome to me being me and the hodgepodge of topics that make me who I am.
Spring Visitor
This lovely Cardinal came to enjoy some spring berries today.
Sugar-free no bake cookies
Last week I visited my family. Rather than being encouraging in my quest to be sugar-free, they were discouraging. I heard multiple times how it was ‘just genetics’ and I should ‘accept that I would become a diabetic’. No doubt this attitude was fueled by the fact that they are The rest of the story
My love affair with Twitter (Happy 5th Birthday)
In July, 2008 while watching the Tour de France Stage 4 Time Trial, I was caught by surprise to hear J. Vaughters drop the F-Bomb. The following day Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwin mentioned that Jonathan Vaughters apologized via twitter. I immediately had to have a twitter account. Here is the tweet I The rest of the story
Rent from Redbox
I certainly can’t speak for the rest of the world but we rent a lot of movies. OK maybe not a lot but we rent from redbox one or two times each week. It’s easy and convenient and at only $1 per night it’s is inexpensive! Redbox currently has a The rest of the story