Sugar-free no bake cookies

2011/03/22 Gayle 0

Last week I visited my family. Rather than being encouraging in my quest to be sugar-free, they were discouraging. I heard multiple times how it was ‘just genetics’ and I should ‘accept that I would become a diabetic’. No doubt this attitude was fueled by the fact that they are The rest of the story

My love affair with Twitter (Happy 5th Birthday)

2011/03/21 Gayle 0

In July, 2008 while watching the Tour de France Stage 4 Time Trial, I was caught by surprise to hear J. Vaughters drop the F-Bomb. The following day Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwin mentioned that Jonathan Vaughters apologized via twitter.  I immediately had to have a twitter account. Here is the tweet I The rest of the story

Rent from Redbox

2011/03/09 Gayle 0

I certainly can’t speak for the rest of the world but we rent a lot of movies. OK maybe not a lot but we rent from redbox one or two times each week. It’s easy and convenient and at only $1 per night it’s is inexpensive! Redbox currently has a The rest of the story

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