Rent from Redbox

2011/03/09 Gayle 0

I certainly can’t speak for the rest of the world but we rent a lot of movies. OK maybe not a lot but we rent from redbox one or two times each week. It’s easy and convenient and at only $1 per night it’s is inexpensive! Redbox currently has a The rest of the story

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Cold Feet

2011/03/05 Gayle 0

I am frequently asked by people how I know my blood sugar was a problem. The answer is that my feet bothered me. They always felt cold. Since Jenn and I both have diabetics in our family, we are aware that circulation problems can occur in diabecice and I began to keep The rest of the story

My Funny Life

2011/03/05 Gayle 1

I don’t know if you believe you can manifest things in your life; but I do. Here’s my most recent story…. Last night I was at an event where someone asked when / if we were getting a new dog. The answer was my standard answer which goes something like The rest of the story

When the Cookies WONT Shut UP

2011/02/28 Gayle 0

This morning my blood sugar was 133. Not my best number but not my worst. I am pretty happy about this past weekend. I went for a walk on the beach yesterday (Sunday) and this morning I walked in my neighborhood. I didn’t walk far or necessarily fast but I The rest of the story

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