Be Like Me

2016/01/25 Gayle 0

Love ’em or hate ’em in the past 48 hours  the ‘Be Like Me’ or ‘Be Like Bill’ memes have taken over the world, at least the social media world. None of the ‘canned’ ones suited me. So, I made my own.                 The rest of the story

I brought home a chair

2014/05/20 Gayle 2

It is with regret that I inform you that after 17 years in exile my desk chair has come home.               As you can see the chair is broken which is how it ended up in exile. I took it home, to my parent’s The rest of the story

I am from Red Dirt

2013/10/17 Gayle 8

Last evening I was introduced to a poem – “Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon. We were offered a template and encouraged to write and share our own version. I wrote a few things last night but the thoughts have lingered on into today. So, I took some time to The rest of the story

50k at 50

2012/12/30 Gayle 3

In less than 2 weeks I am going to do something I never thought I’d do…..turn 50! If you’ve already been there and done that….then you know! If you haven’t yet been there and done that….then YOU know! 50 IS OLD!!!!!!! I wanted to walk a marathon to commemorate my The rest of the story

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