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Life Unplugged (at least from TV)

2012/02/27 Gayle 1

Like a lot of people these days, I enjoy looking at the fun and fanciful ideas on Pinterist. Tonight as I poked about looking at the variety of things, I was reminded that some times we need to unplug and relax. When I was a kid there was a lot The rest of the story

Things are Getting Zippy

2012/02/18 Gayle 0

It is Saturday and the day I am to check in with you on my quest for average. I am happy and proud to report that I have been consistent with my walking! I walked Monday, Wednesday and Friday after lunch. I walked 1.1 miles each day and my time The rest of the story

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Let the Games Begin

2012/02/11 Gayle 0

Today is the day I am supposed to check in on my quest for average. Sadly my quest is much more of a think about average at the moment. On Monday I was given clearance from my Doctor for ‘all normal activity’. I was also started on an Iron Supplement. The rest of the story

Getting off the Couch

2012/02/04 Gayle 0

As promised, here is my Saturday update on my quest for average. But first let me inspire you with a commercial that you will see in tomorrows quest for the NFL Title: If that doesn’t inspire you to get off the couch and chase cars, nothing will 🙂 Now back The rest of the story

There is No Shame in Starting Over

2012/02/01 Gayle 2

If you know me, you probably know I have had a rough few months! I haven’t felt well in quite some time and in mid-October, I knew I was to the point that I needed relief! I eventually gave in and  went to the Emergency Room (no small decision for this uninsured The rest of the story

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