Easter Sunrise 2011

2011/04/26 Gayle 0

As has become our tradition, we attended the sunrise service on Carolina Beach. The Carolina Beach Community of Churches sponsor this event each year. It has been a rare year that God didn’t provide a spectacular sunrise for the occasion. This year was no exception. All things considered, it was a beautiful morning, Even The rest of the story

Weight loss improves memory

2011/04/15 Gayle 0

There are all kinds of inspirations in the world. There’s the no one believes I can therefore I will. There are those who are just motivated, internally. And there are those of us who struggle to stay on the path. I am the latter! I struggle to keep my health The rest of the story

A Day off Work

2011/04/13 Gayle 0

  I visited Moore’s Creek National Battle field yesterday as a part of my day off from work. Although it rained (poured actually) through much of my visit, I was able to take a few interesting shots.  The ones in this post were all taken down by the creek near The rest of the story

The one time being lazy paid off for me

2011/04/12 Gayle 2

Sunday before last  was a quiet Sunday at my house. We’d worked hard on Saturday and it was a beautiful morning. We talked about taking our bikes for a ride. Instead we stayed home. It’s funny how life happens. About 9:30 we heard the sounds associated with an accident. The The rest of the story

George’s Dogwood Tree

2011/04/07 Gayle 0

We lost our dog George last year in June. He was old and blind and he had many health issues. George was always a happy dog, even through all the issues, until the end. We knew it was time for us to let George go because he has lost his happiness The rest of the story

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