Lincoln's Second Inauguration

The Path The World Is On

2025/01/25 Gayle 0

I have always been a fan of history – especially US History. I am drawn especially to two times in US history, the Civil War and World War 2. The first, I think because it happened on the lands where I have lived my life, The South, and I have The rest of the story

A Christmas Lesson (good all year)

2020/12/14 Gayle 0

So I’m a little bah humbug on Christmas this year. Nothing will be like every other year…we’ll be home at dhachaigh rather than Tobaccoville at mama’s (where I’ve spent every one of my 57 Christmases). I can be curmudgeonery anyway and this year has a millionth dose. Anyway, last Saturday The rest of the story

Riding Into Lent

2017/03/03 Gayle 0

Riding my bike daily is one of the practices I have decided to take up for Lent. While we often think of Lent being a time when we give up something or when we take up a ‘spiritual practice’, something like prayer or alms giving, Lent can also be a The rest of the story

Holiday Spirit

2016/12/06 Gayle 0

I am not feeling much of a holiday spirit this year. As usual, I can find many reasons to explain why ‘THIS” year I don’t feel the spirit – but the reality is it’s every year. Christmas is stressful! From what do you want for Christmas; shopping; and gatherings; to The rest of the story

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