Create Something

2012/06/05 Gayle 1

I feel as if my whole day every day is devoted to creating something. I create blog posts, or graphics, or websites, or even little things like Facebook or twitter posts. I work with clients to create marketing plans or in my own business to create displays or creative ways The rest of the story

You are NOT the Energizer Bunny

2012/05/11 Gayle 0

I read a blog post a few days ago that was extolling the virtues of taking time off! The concept is not news to me, just as I am sure it’s not news to you. While I believe it is important to carve out time to take several days off The rest of the story

You Are Here

2012/05/06 Gayle 0

Yesterday began as any other Saturday for me. The alarm sounded before 6am. I avoided getting out of bed. Then rushed to leave the house and to arrive at and be set up for the Carolina Beach Farmers Market before eight o’clock. At the conclusion of market we broke down, The rest of the story

Addition by subtraction

2012/04/26 Gayle 0

For months we have been having trouble with our internet! Sometimes we would drop service as much as 8 times an hour. We had encountered this problem when we first signed up for AT&T service (last May). Last year we had several techs visit to try to fix the problem….none The rest of the story

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