Intentional Television

2012/04/19 Gayle 3

Last fall during my illness, I was astounded by the number of televisions available in health care facilities! While in the emergency room for hours, I was able to watch a television that was readily available to entertain me at my bedside. Every waiting room is television laden. I was The rest of the story

The Power of Negative Thinking

2012/04/17 Gayle 0

I haven’t written in a while. Not because I don’t want to write; not because I haven’t tried to write; and not even because I have nothing to say. I haven’t written because the words can’t seem to funnel out of my head, through my fingers and onto the page! The rest of the story

Put on Your Oxygen Mask First

2012/04/04 Gayle 0

This morning as Jenn was packing her things and preparing to leave for Farmer’s Market, she remarked to me about the breakfast foods in the house and what we had that cold be the basis of lunch. This discussion caused me to ask ‘what are you taking to eat?’ In The rest of the story

Waiting to Win the Lottery

2012/03/30 Gayle 0

            It seems that everywhere I turn someone is talking about winning the Mega Millions Lottery tonight. Friends are posting about it on Facebook and twitter, news agencies are making it the lead story and it was a topic of conversation at dinner last night. The rest of the story

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