It’s a Clear Morning

2012/02/25 Gayle 0

Today we are painting at my house. There are three rooms that have not been painted in the time we have lived here and it is time for the ugly colors to go! Rest assured this is not a DIY blog, so stay with me. We went on Thursday night The rest of the story

Living like a Dog

2012/02/24 Gayle 0

If you know anything at about me, you probably know I love dogs. I have loved dogs since my very first encounter with them. There are so many things I love about them – not the least of which is their innate ability to live with abandon! A dog will The rest of the story

What is your Cause?

2012/02/21 Gayle 0

A few days ago a Facebook friend commented that she had just read the book – The Help. She commented that she was a good Southern gal and that she could not recall any separate bathrooms for domestic help in the 1960’s when she was a young lady. Then she made The rest of the story

Stop the Insanity

2012/02/20 Gayle 0

Do you ever go through those times when you feel as if the whole universe is against you? Me too! In August 2010 I wrote five tips for what to do when everyone’s against you. Today I went back to read the tips hopeful to glean some insight and inspiration. The rest of the story

No Time Left For You

2012/02/17 Gayle 0

Lately I have been spending a lot of time spinning my wheels about time. Specifically I have been complaining about other people not valuing my time! My days have been filled with clients who do not send timely information then expect that I will be available to rush the work The rest of the story

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