How Long Can You Hold It?

2011/10/19 Gayle 1

Everyone has stress in their lives. We stress over bills. We stress over relationships. We stress over our jobs. The list can and often does go on ad infinitum. A young lady confidently walked around the room  while leading and explaining stress management to an audience; with a raised  glass of The rest of the story

Be Fearless

2011/10/18 Gayle 0

FEAR!  We all have it. We all are forced to face our fears from time to time. Whether it the spider who confronts you in your bedroom when no one else is around or the idea that something is wrong in your body and you fear life changing news. We The rest of the story

I hear what you’re saying, do you?

2011/10/17 Gayle 1

I spent some time with my friend Dorrie this past weekend.  We enjoyed some fresh shrimp and a blazing fire pit on a chilly fall evening. Dorrie is one of those people I just enjoy spending time with; she’s intelligent, funny, and the kind of friend who will and does The rest of the story

Overcoming Your Negative Addiction

2011/10/12 Gayle 0

Yesterday we talked about why it sometimes feels so good to be negative. We learned about how negative emotions can feed the pleasure center as much as truly pleasurable things. As it turns out, pain and negative emotions (e.g. self-pity, anger, guilt) also activate the beta-endorphin and dopamine pathways. So negative The rest of the story

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