Are you addicted to the negative?

2011/10/11 Gayle 1

I barely know who Miley Cyrus is but a few days again I encountered this quote from her ‘You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind’. A mind becomes negative because we feed it negative. From the daily news to our personal encounters, we focus on the negative. I attended The rest of the story

Action v Reaction

2011/10/10 Gayle 0

Yesterday morning it was early, I was tired. I didn’t want to be awake much less up and moving. Sitting at a red light I was engrossed in listening to my spouse relate a story about something, or another. Suddenly the car next to me started to go, and I, The rest of the story

Time is limited – Don’t waste it

2011/10/06 Gayle 0

How often do you think, ‘I’ll do that when…..’ We have ever intention of practicing a musical instrument, or reading a book, or going for a run or even walking the dog but we end up waiting for some magical burst of motivation to make it happen. Perhaps, we are The rest of the story

Just Do It

2011/10/04 Gayle 0

I am a part of the ‘Just Do It’ generation. In 1988, when Nike came out with the famous slogan, I was a young adult struggling to transition from the world of academia to the ‘real world’.  Just do it seemed a fitting mantra for those times. Except do we The rest of the story

Take a Step in the Right Direction

2011/10/03 Gayle 1

Today I am sharing with you a post I wrote last September. I hope it will mean as much to you today as it did last year. My friend Mary is an avid paddler. She holds a professional job and cares for her elderly parents but every weekend, you will The rest of the story

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