When to Give Up on a Goal

2011/08/18 Gayle 0

Last week we talked about persistence. The tenacity to pursue a goal until you reach it. In that post I encouraged you to believe that success was just around the corner. While I still believe this is true, I also wish to point out the law of diminishing returns. The The rest of the story

Are you Regretting your Regret?

2011/08/17 Gayle 0

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”  ~  Zig Ziglar Do you ever look at your life and feel great regret? We all know that Regret is a negative conscious and emotional reaction to personal past acts and behaviors.  We The rest of the story

Everyone’s a Critic

2011/08/16 Gayle 0

My mother has her PhD in criticism. Nothing has ever been enough and she is never pleased with anything. She believes that she motivates people by pointing out how they could be better. Some days it feels as if everyone is my mother! They all want to tell me how to The rest of the story

SMART goal setting

2011/08/12 Gayle 0

Like it or not, goal setting is a central and essential aspect of life. For some of us, this is a mindful process, however many others are unaware of the goal setting act and therefore have very little direction or purpose. You may be surprised to learn that you are The rest of the story

Attitude is a Choice

2011/08/11 Gayle 0

On a recent blog post there was a comment where the writer questioned the part of my bio where I said I was a ‘self-proclaimed struggler’. She felt that comment was negative. I, on the other hand, see it as an honest assessment of me. I struggle. I struggle to The rest of the story

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