Overcoming Inertia
“A body at rest tends to stay at rest, a body in motion tends to stay in motion.” Many people are familiar with this paraphrase of Newton’s First Law of Motion.
Life is about reaching your goals and staying positive.
This is the continuation of my Stay on Target blog (Which I started in 2010). I hope it will continue to encourage you and enrich your life.
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“A body at rest tends to stay at rest, a body in motion tends to stay in motion.” Many people are familiar with this paraphrase of Newton’s First Law of Motion.
Do you ever feel that life comes at you fast and furious? One of my favorite quotes is from Robert Burns ‘The best laid schemes of Mice and Men oft go awry, And leave us nothing but grief and pain, For promised joy!’ My week has been just such a week.
Every life has it’s challenges, obstacles to overcome and miles to travel. Living a fulfilled life is like training for a marathon. It is not something that just happens; a lot of effort, sweat and even tears will come before the end. But in the end, after all the hard work, comes a great sense of accomplishment, of a job well done.
Knowing who you are is a key component to knowing where you want to go and the best way to get there.
In the July issue of Scientific American Mind, an article on “The Willpower Paradox” caught my attention. The article is about surprising findings from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on the connection between willingness and willfulness.