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Who are you?

2009/12/30 Gayle 0

For your company who you are may not be as important as who the web thinks you are. After all it is your reputation, make it about who you really are.

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The Golden Compass

2009/12/29 Gayle 0

I’ve never been one to make resolutions; however, I am a huge fan of goal setting. I like to look at the big picture of where I want to be and think about the avenues for making those goals reality.

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What can Twitter do for your Company?

2009/12/18 Gayle 0

I am a twittering fool. I absolutely love the medium. Frequently, when I am blabbering on about twitter, I encounter the blank stares of those who have not yet caught the twitter bug. I must admit my first encounter with twitter ended with a ‘what’s the big deal” response and The rest of the story

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