Crèche Journey – Day 34

Today’s nativity is the last of my Peanuts nativities. This one is by artist Jim Shore. Funny story of it’s acquisition – several years ago I received info that lego were being given away in Southern Pines, so we took a road trip.
The Lego were from the estate of a retired engineer who put together Lego as a hobby (we came home with a carfull). But she also loved Peanuts and this set was there. I inquired on purchasing it (knowing I had very little cha-ching in my pocket). No amount was given and we continued loading Lego and as we were ready to leave the person said “how about $50 for the nativity?” The exact amount I had! (SIDE NOTE: each piece sells for double that amount now)
This nativity always reminds me of God’s provision, even in the inconsequential things.
About Gayle 481 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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