Disney Marathon 2014 Gayle & Jenn’s Quest part 9 – the race

There is so much  to share about today!

Our day started at 3:00am. We scrambled some eggs, and headed out to Epcot. After a missed turn we arrived at our destination.  There was so much to take in…. so much going on.

We arrived at our corral in plenty if time. And waited for the race to begin.


Then the race began.  Was surprised how emotional I felt at the beginning.


Our first mile went well. The second  was fast (fast for us)… Then the wheels began to come off the bus. I realized I had forgotten my inhaler and had left it at the hotel. Breath became a HUGE issue.

We were determined.  And although  was literally sucking wind and unable to catch my breath we persevered.

Eventually the follow car passed us. And a bike rode with us… We were told we would be removed from the course.

I can not express how nice and encouraging the staff of Run Disney were to us. We can’t wait to come back and finish!



Because it’s my birthday, we ended the day with fireworks and dessert.

Posted from WordPress for Android. Please excuse any typing miscues.

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

2 Comments Posted

  1. Hey ladies! I want to go back and read/watch the rest of your vlogs, but I can say that I know what it is like to not finish and how weird and disappointing that can be, but also how MOTIVATING it can be to help you reach your next goal. After my failed Carolina Cup attempt last year I was able to train and finish the 32 mile Chattajack. I think that my failure and the lessons learned in April are what got me to a good finish in October. So proud of you two.

    • Thank you Katie!

      Our race experience will definitely be motivation! Next year, we’ll finish!! AND this year, we change our attitude and execution with regard to training.

      ONWARD and UPWARD!

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