Wow, my hair looks GRAY!

End – it’s just another word for Beginning

A month ago I sat down to write to you about my failure! How I failed to be prepared for my Birthday Marathon. How I set a goal and didn’t follow through. And then before I was finished writing I asked you to indulge me and allow me to yet again set a goal – to walk a 50k in the month that I turned 50! I called it my 50k at 50.

It is with great joy that I announce:


Wow, my hair looks GRAY!

Today I completed my 50k! A full day before my deadline!

But more than accomplishing my goal, I feel better! The nagging hip pain is gone. My knee doesn’t hurt as much AND I am down 10lbs!

Did I mention I feel GREAT?

I certainly did not walk every day. However, only one day was I forced inside and on to a treadmill. I also completed my goal with only 2 two-a-days.


You Can't Change What You Don't Measure

I measured my success on a very public (in my kitchen) notepad. It was easy for anyone to see how I was progressing. Previously, I tried to track my success in a much more private way. However, private also means ‘easy to disillusion myself to believe I was doing better than I was’ or ‘easy to believe I still has time to get it in’.

Have I mentioned I feel GREAT?

I feel so great; I am making this a monthly thing – 50 at 50!

For the month of February my goal is to ride my bike 50 miles. (a 50k is only 31 miles and that’s just not far enough on a bike). As always I invite you to join me (in person, in spirit or virtually).

No, I am not giving up on walking! I still plan to walk every nice (45 degrees+ non-rainy) day for a mile at lunch

Here’s to feeling better; Having clothes that fit better; And being happier for all of 50 (AKA 2013)!

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

3 Comments Posted

  1. Still am just inspired by this so much! Very, very cool.

    & FYI my hair guy says that those are not gray hair, no no… I have a bunch of COLORLESS hair coming in! My grandfather went gray, er colorless in his twenties so age has nothing to do with it. You just traveled THIRTY ONE miles & are about to travel further, you are just moving too much for the color to catch you.

    Looking forward to more adventures!

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