New Adventure (Marathon) Needs New Toys

A few weeks ago I received an email notification from Klout. The notification offered to give me a klout perk. Now, I have gotten these notifications before and mostly ignored them. However, this perk was for something that very much interested me – A Sony Walkman W!

Now, don’t get me wrong I love my iPod. I love the versatility of that little 8gb music machine – it works in my car, it works to feed the music in my house and it’s portable. But the thing it doesn’t do well is workout with me. I am forever untangling wires. I position them and reposition them. Invariably during some position of my workout I drop the ipod and scramble to grab it before it hits the floor (often while maintaining on the treadmill).

Which is why I was so excited to be offered a Sony Walkman W!

You see, this isn’t the Walkman of the 70s (which I still have by the way)! This new Walkman has NO WIRES!

That’s right everything is self-contained in the earpiece. 

I know what you are thinking, and I shared your concern. How heavy is it?  I also worried that the 2 gig of memory would leave me feeling shortchanged.

I’ve been checking my box religiously –  Awaiting the arrival of my new toy – Anxious to see if the hype is reality.

My Sony Walkman W arrived on Wednesday!

Sony Walkman W

I am happy to repost that it’s no heavier than just headphones (or at least not that I can discern). It was easy to drag and drop the tunes I wanted onto the device. I even created playlists. It took no more than a few tries to get the hang of the controls.

This product has been everything it promised. The perfect workout partner!

And the timing couldn’t be better, as I am but a mear FOUR DAYS away from registering for my first ever marathon – the Disney Marathon!  I am incredibly excited and am sure the 9 months will fly by and I am looking forward to training hard with my Sony Walkman W pumping some great tunes and inspiration into my ears.

Note: I received this product free from Klout. I have not been paid for my opinion. I do have the opportunity to upgrade this product to the waterproof version if I create enough social media buzz around it. However, if I didn’t like the product I would not be interested in owning another.

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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