Learning to Fire a Swivel Gun

2015/02/06 Gayle 0

No doubt your first question, as was mine, is what the heck is a swivel gun? A swivel gun usually refers to a small cannon, mounted on a swiveling stand or fork which allows a very wide arc of movement. Swivel guns are among the smallest types of cannon, typically measuring less than 1 The rest of the story

You Never Forget The First One #tbt

2014/07/03 Gayle 1

I moved to Wilmington on Memorial Day weekend 1995 – it’s hard for me to believe it’s been almost 20 years! In that time I have experienced quite a few storms: 1996 hurricane Bertha hits July 12th with 105mph winds from the south. Newspaper article | Radar 1996 hurricane Fran hits Sept 5th with The rest of the story

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