I brought home a chair

2014/05/20 Gayle 2

It is with regret that I inform you that after 17 years in exile my desk chair has come home.               As you can see the chair is broken which is how it ended up in exile. I took it home, to my parent’s The rest of the story

Lego Club

Sermon of Lego Discipleship

2014/05/14 Gayle 4

I was asked to speak on May 4th 2014 at St Paul’s UMC in Carolina Beach. After considerable thought I decided to speak on Lego and our successful Lego Club ministry. I was pleased with this concept and set about to write my words. But the words were not coming. The rest of the story

Not from your Bellybutton or Dryer….Lent

2014/03/05 Gayle 0

I had never in my life considered giving up something for lent. I actually have thought for most of my life (okay, until last week) that it was a silly practice that some weird religions practiced. And lets be honest – the people who always talk about ‘giving up something The rest of the story

No Image

New Hobby

2014/02/28 Gayle 0

Giving up sugar is quite possibly the hardest thing I have ever attempted. Sugar is associated with so many of life’s delights. Things like birthday cake, or Reece’s peanut butter Easter eggs. Oreos and ice cream. Sweet tea and soft drinks. It’s not a diet coke and a smile, after The rest of the story

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