You Have More Time than You Think

2012/08/13 Gayle 2

I want to write today about time management. Mostly because I suck at it! I spin my wheels; I spend my day daydreaming and pontificating and then complain that ‘I JUST DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME’! This morning, I decided I needed real world solutions to my real world problem. Let The rest of the story

Are you Stuck?

2012/08/09 Gayle 0

I’m feeling stuck.                   I feel stuck in my writing. I feel stuck in my life.  I just feel stuck. I am frustrated with how to break my current cycle of being stuck and I although intellectually I think I have a The rest of the story

Let’s Face It: Change is Hard

2012/07/13 Gayle 0

I like consistency. Maybe that makes me boring. Maybe it means I am old and set in my ways (you know how old dogs are with new tricks). However, it seems as if the universe has decided I need changes in my life. It started with little things…like, my cereal The rest of the story

The Most Effective Yes is NO

2012/06/25 Gayle 0

This morning I noticed that my blotter paper was beginning to look ragged. Over the years I have used many different types of blotters, some have calendars, some have cute pictures, and this one is plain paper. I use it to write myself notes. I use it to doodle. But The rest of the story

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