It’s Getting Hot in Here

2012/06/22 Gayle 0

Yesterday was the first day of 2012 we reached 90° in Wilmington, NC. I think we’ve had a few brushes with 90 but over all we’ve had a mild spring. Weather is not something I pay much attention to, unless we’re hitting the extremes – drought, flood, hurricane, extreme hot The rest of the story

The Beginning of an Epic Quest

2012/06/20 Gayle 4

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu Chinese philosopher (604 BC – 531 BC) No doubt you have heard the above referenced quote. Possibly you have uttered those words or similar words as you attempt to motivate either yourself or another, I The rest of the story

Throwing Down the SMILE Gauntlet

2012/06/15 Gayle 0

It’s FRIDAY! It is a day we all love to celebrate and a day that makes most of us smile. In an article, The Untapped Power Of Smiling, he wrote last year for Forbes, Ron Gutman offers some very interesting statistics regarding smiling. Things like longer life, better marriages, more success and The rest of the story

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