Prepare to meet your Goal

2011/08/02 Gayle 1

Last night as I was falling asleep, I thought of the perfect blog post for today. As I drifted to unconsciousness, my mind put together words and phrases to express wonderful and uplifting thoughts. This morning those thoughts are gone, along with the concept! I know that I should keep The rest of the story

Remember? (Tips for Recall)

2011/08/01 Gayle 1

When I was younger I had the memory of an elephant, it seemed impossible for me to forget anything. My life was busy then with school and a full-time job. I even fit in coaching Little League. Yet, my memory was, or seemed to be, spot on. Some 20 years The rest of the story

Mind Reading 101

2011/07/29 Gayle 1

By now in our journey together I hope you are working toward a goal (or two). Chances are, somewhere along the way you have needed to enlist the assistance of another human in reaching your goal; perhaps a family member, or a co-worker, a friend or casual acquaintance.  Regardless of The rest of the story

Well, isn’t that NICE!

2011/07/28 Gayle 0

We all want people to like us and we are willing to give of ourselves to accomplish this feat. You play nice at the office. You play nice with your spouse. You stuff your wants, needs, desires down while being nice to those around you. Nice is stifling! There’s a The rest of the story

Feels Like We’re Living in Star Trek

2011/07/27 Gayle 0

While attending a meeting a few days ago, someone mentioned a video of a 3D printer that was making the rounds. When I returned to my computer, someone, completely unrelated to the meeting,  had emailed the video. Like anyone who has watched this video, I was amazed. and skeptical. It The rest of the story

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