How Do Your Eat An Elephant?
My friend Mary is an avid paddler. She holds a professional job and cares for her elderly parents but every weekend, you will find Mary in her canoe or kayak on some river or waterway paddling away her frustrations
My friend Mary is an avid paddler. She holds a professional job and cares for her elderly parents but every weekend, you will find Mary in her canoe or kayak on some river or waterway paddling away her frustrations
Did you know that only about three out of every 100 people ever actually decide on their goal?
An ancient proverb says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” You have probably known people nearing the end of their life’s journey who looked back and said, “If only I had done things differently . . . . .If only I had taken advantage of that opportunity when it came along.”
Several years ago, I became a great fan of Napoleon Hill. I am such a fan that I begin my day with an email inspiration from the Napoleon Hill Society. I have adopted many ideas and principals from the writings of Napoleon Hill but none that have served me as The rest of the story
I have trouble with focus. Perhaps you do as well. Here are my steps for helping me to remain focused on my task.