How to Know When You Have Arrived
Without a well-defined goal, how will you know you have reached it? This may seem like a obvious statement. However, more often than you would think people make no real plans for success.
Without a well-defined goal, how will you know you have reached it? This may seem like a obvious statement. However, more often than you would think people make no real plans for success.
We recently watched a PBS documentary about Benjamin Franklin. It was very interesting and I highly recommend it. One thing that struck me about Franklin was his devotion to the greater good. He was not just interested in what was best for himself, but wanted to always do The rest of the story
Our attention is a precious commodity, just like our time, our money and our talents. When our attention is drawn in different directions we are unable to give full focus to anything and everything suffers. When you set your attention on an idea or passion, that thing will grow and The rest of the story
How often does this happen to you? You allow someone else to take control. Well, stop. Just stop letting them move you off course. In life there are things that will occur which will change your plan or cause you to alter your plan. However, it is always your choice whether an event is worthy.
At the end of the day, when you look in the mirror, if you know you did your best at moving toward your goals then you are a winner. No matter what anyone else has done.