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Are Your Thoughts Ruining Your Life?

2011/03/29 Gayle 0

Do you ever feel like you fall into a convolution spiral of negativity?  It is like a tornado that blows through your existence. The negativity may not destroy everything, but at the very least it rearranges and creates havoc from what was the order of your life. It only takes The rest of the story

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Love you

2011/02/14 Gayle 1

Today is Valentine’s Day. The day we all feel ooey and gooey about love. We celebrate the fact that someone loves us

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The oak tree is the purpose of an acorn

2010/10/01 Gayle 0

The oak tree is the purpose of an acorn. Rather than being that little acorn fulfilling a purpose of growing into an oak tree, I was forever stuck as a sapling. I was scaling down my dreams to fit what I could easily accomplish. Are you living a life of enough? Or are you living the life of a towering oak?

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How to Stop the Voices

2010/09/19 Gayle 0

By turning off the negative comments made by others and believing that you are fully capable of reaching your goals, no matter what they might be, you will find that it is easier to stick to your plan and even exceed your greatest expectations.

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What Shape is Your Water (video)

2010/09/06 Gayle 0

This video shows the experiments of Dr. Masaeu Emoto with water. Dr Emoto photographed frozen water molecules after he said words over them. Kind word molecules produced beautiful crystals. Unkind and harsh words formed ugly crystals.

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