Simple does not mean Easy
When I first began Stay on Target Coach’s blog someone retweeted my post with these words attached ‘simple but good advice’. Immediately, I began to question my methods. Was I making things too simple?
When I first began Stay on Target Coach’s blog someone retweeted my post with these words attached ‘simple but good advice’. Immediately, I began to question my methods. Was I making things too simple?
I am sitting in the doctor’s waiting room watching “Man vs. Food” on the Travel channel. The host of the show is attempting to eat 15 dozen oysters in under an hour. That’s 180 oysters for those of you that are mathmatically challenged. I started out being repulsed by the massive amount of slimy food, but that quickly turned to fascination. Can he do it? Will he meet his goal?
At the end of the day, when you look in the mirror, if you know you did your best at moving toward your goals then you are a winner. No matter what anyone else has done.
‘I won’t do it for me, but I’ll do it for you’.
“A body at rest tends to stay at rest, a body in motion tends to stay in motion.” Many people are familiar with this paraphrase of Newton’s First Law of Motion.