Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?
Sometimes life can leave you feeling like you are a starfish caught in the ebb and flow of a tsunami. The world around you is pushing and pulling so hard you are unable to plant your feet.
Sometimes life can leave you feeling like you are a starfish caught in the ebb and flow of a tsunami. The world around you is pushing and pulling so hard you are unable to plant your feet.
I was introduced to a quote today. The quote was: We never touch people so lightly that we do not leave a trace ~~ Peggy Tabor Millin
An ancient proverb says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” You have probably known people nearing the end of their life’s journey who looked back and said, “If only I had done things differently . . . . .If only I had taken advantage of that opportunity when it came along.”
I am sitting in the doctor’s waiting room watching “Man vs. Food” on the Travel channel. The host of the show is attempting to eat 15 dozen oysters in under an hour. That’s 180 oysters for those of you that are mathmatically challenged. I started out being repulsed by the massive amount of slimy food, but that quickly turned to fascination. Can he do it? Will he meet his goal?
At the end of the day, when you look in the mirror, if you know you did your best at moving toward your goals then you are a winner. No matter what anyone else has done.