The Power of Time-off
More than half (58%) of respondents feel they are in more need of vacation than last year and 64% have canceled vacation due to work worries.
More than half (58%) of respondents feel they are in more need of vacation than last year and 64% have canceled vacation due to work worries.
The oak tree is the purpose of an acorn. Rather than being that little acorn fulfilling a purpose of growing into an oak tree, I was forever stuck as a sapling. I was scaling down my dreams to fit what I could easily accomplish. Are you living a life of enough? Or are you living the life of a towering oak?
You’ve seen the type, the perky always excited about life person that everyone hates to see coming. Their good mood puts you in a worse mood because nobody can be that happy about life. Well, I’m here to tell you that it is possible to have the perky positive attitude most of the time. All it takes is a little effort.
We have talked about obstacles many times at Stay on Target. The reason this topic comes up so often is that there are many obstacles to success. Some are huge. Others are convenient. Rarely, are any insurmountable, if you really want to reach your goal.
This video shows the experiments of Dr. Masaeu Emoto with water. Dr Emoto photographed frozen water molecules after he said words over them. Kind word molecules produced beautiful crystals. Unkind and harsh words formed ugly crystals.