I'm not an art critic (I just love the Savage Chickens)

It is Easy to be a Critic from the Sidelines

I’ve had a bit of a perfect storm leading me to this blog post. So, if you’ll bear with me, I’ll tell my story.

Several years ago when Jenn completed her first 5k – I bought her a shirt. The quote on the back said

Dead Last to Cross the Finish line still Beats Did Not Start

I bought it to celebrate her accomplishment even though she was lamenting her last place finish. To my knowledge she had never worn the shirt (I mistakenly bought one that had marathon distance on the front and she felt it inappropriate to wear when she hadn’t run a marathon).

Jenn wore the shirt last week as we Celebrated Life on the Zip-line! She said she wanted a reminder that even though she was scared to death – she was facing her fears and going zipping!


I'm not an art critic (I just love the Savage Chickens)

In the last week I have become OBSESSED with the game DrawSomething. (My user name is dalm8ton – come play with me). However, be warned, I am VERY critical of people who don’t draw (ie just write words on the screen) and of people who do not try to guess. I am no artist. My drawings are stick figures and color. But if you draw me a picture, I WILL do whatever I can to figure out what the picture (including google).

I respect those who try.

Then yesterday my mom sent me this video.

I noticed the man who kicks off his shoes and removes his shorts to run into the water. I was struck by how he was there but seemed to need help or be a assister rather than a doer. Then I was thinking about the people who stood and watched as others saved the dolphins. I began to admire the man who ran in to help! He was Ten-Thousand times better than those who did nothing!

Are you standing on the sidelines? Or are you an active and full participant?

You see, I am guilty. Sometimes I stand on the sidelines and see the mistakes made by those who jumped in. I snark and talk about what they did wrong. I make fun and snicker when they fail; All from the cheap-seats on the sidelines. It is time to stop standing on the sideline of my life (or your life). We must not be so concerned that we might come in last that we never start. We can not let our self conscious fear that we may not be perfect keep us from trying.

I am challenging both of us to jump in with both feet and do what we know needs to be done to follow our dream; to pursue our happiness; to reach our goals!

I am making a concerted effort to be 100% Gayle! Won’t you join me and work hard to be 100% YOU?

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

4 Comments Posted

  1. Great advice. I’m determined to stop complaining and start doing. Today. Thanks for the wake-up call.

    • Thank you for your comment, Hazel!

      As a baseball fan and a former softball player, I know it is far easier to sit in the seats and heckle than to step up to the plate and swing-away 🙂

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