It’s lovely on the High Road

Last weekend a friend asked me ‘Where do you get the inspiration for your blog posts?’ The honest answer is that I write about what I know I need to hear. Yep, I am trying to fix what ails me by posting here. So grab your seat, because today we’re taking the fast road to Junior High!

You see, yesterday someone said something about me on twitter. Not directly, like an adult, but a snide comment that others knew was referring to me. I was oblivious and did not see the comment. However, another friend pointed it out and I got my drawers all bunched up. I, naturally, shared this information with a few of my best buds and they bunched their drawers.

Being that I am human, I wished to lash out! However, my more rational side prevailed and I realized no one wins in mudslinging situations. Everyone just looks dirty. So, I sat on my hands and tried to imagine just how good I look on the high road <grin>.

I can hear you now saying ‘nice rant but what does this have to do with goals?’ The answer is EVERYTHING!

You see, yesterday (and for part of today, although I’ll never admit to that) I allowed someone else to change the course of my time. I reverted to the little scared kid who is overly concerned with other people. It was not my spouse, my business partner, a good friend or even an acquaintance. I allowed a complete stranger, someone I do not know (nor now care to know) change the course of my day. This pattern could have continued for days or maybe even weeks as I allowed those words to sting and divert my attention.

How often does this happen to you? You allow someone else to take control. Well, stop. Just stop letting them move you off course. In life there are things that will occur which will change your plan or cause you to alter your plan. However, it is always your choice whether an event is worthy.

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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