Life in a Super Bowl Party

Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday – A sacred day in our culture. In our house we love football. We devote most Sunday’s to cheering our teams. Several years ago Jenn and I started hosting a Soup(er) Bowl party, as the name implies we make soup and have a party. It is great fun and we enjoy the experience, except when our team(s) are actually playing. At those times the social interaction of the party eliminates seeing the game. (As a side note, we now only host a party when we have no dog in the fight).

Frequently in reaching for our goals we encounter the same type of problem. We know our goal but we get so caught up in the trappings around the goal we fail to accomplish the goal. It happens to me. I set a goal but become so enthralled with the gadgets or reading about other people who have the same goal that I forget to do the actual thing I set out to do.

Last week I realized I have trouble completing my to-do list. Why? Because I do the fun stuff; I do the part I want to do and when it comes to the difficult or unpleasant tasks I ‘get’ to claim I am ‘out of time’ or some equally clever lie I’ve convinced myself is acceptable.

Are you living your life in a Super Bowl Party? Are you so busy with the fun stuff around the event that you miss the event?

About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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