yep, it's Ketchup

People and Plungers

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you probably know I love social interaction. I find people and discussions with people fascinating; however, as subjects in photographs they hold no appeal. Photographing people just doesn’t do it for me. Having said this, my photos for this week are very human populated.

I hope you enjoy them anyway 🙂

Saturday began with the meeting of my UDC Chapter at Jack Mackerels in Kure Beach. I took several photographs and will be sharing them over on the UDC website. However this fluke of photography I couldn’t resist.

Pat Bolander Fort Fisher UDC President


By the way, no the room was not that dark.










Immediately after the meeting we traipsed over to Carolina Beach for the Polar Plunge. In 2010 Jenn participated in the Polar Plunge and she decided to plunge again in 2012. This year she was able to raise $150.00 for the Special Olympics. (As a side note all funds were raised online and via our social media efforts). There were lots of interesting people to see. I’ve capture a few…a VERY few!

Before and After

I also took video of the plunge! You can see the majority of people plunge in this video. (click HERE).  Still my favorite video is the one that come almost immediately after this video. You see I was able to convince Jenn to Plunge AGAIN because she wasn’t totally wet (her shoulder was dry).  Here is that video…the redux!

And yes, my feet took the plunge getting the video of today’s plunge 🙂

Lastly, just because I can’t have every photo be of people…..

yep, it's Ketchup
About Gayle 476 Articles
Gayle is a Church Planter; Entrepreneur; Social Media Enthusiast,; Dalmatian Rescuer; genealogist; diehard Cubs Fanatic; AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego); and a curious seeker of life.

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